Instructions: Placing the mouse over an observation will give the latest and most up to date METAR reading
for a particular station. At the bottom you can choose which weather elements to display. With your mouse
you can CLICK and DRAG to outline an area of the country of your choosing to zoom into more observations
over a smaller area. Press refresh button on browser to get back to U.S. map.
Instructions: Click state of interest. List of current NWS online products are given including forecast
discussions, current conditions, forecasts, important weather statements, conditions over last 24 hours.
Click city for conditions over last 24 hours.
The homepage is a map of the United States
with large dots representing the NEXRAD sites. Click on any one of the radars (holding the mouse
above one of the large dots will reveal the location of that NEXRAD site).
Upon clicking a site, the base reflectivity for that site along with some controls will pop up to the left
of the radar. Let us go over some of those controls.
The arrows-- can be used to see adjacent radars to the current radar site.
Reflectivity-- user has option to see reflectivity loop
Rainfall-- user has option to see 1-hour and storm total rainfall
The options below this can be used to choose another radar display.
There is a link on the left menu stated, "radar information". This link is given below: