Beautiful Sights
A sunset behind thin reddened clouds
Caribbean palm trees standing lush and proud
Waves crashing along a tropical virgin white beach
A secluded view of twinkling stars beyond our reach
Snow falling on Christmas day
Puppies and kittens full of horseplay
The metropolitan skyline on a pollution free day
Majestic Rocky Mountains take my breath away
A bald eagle, a red bird, and a blue jay
A towering thunderstorm grows through the sky
Poor children receiving presents makes we want to cry
A field of flowers across the horizon lie
A view of the surface in an airplane
A double rainbow in a cool misty rain
A Christmas tree decorated with lights and candy canes
The fullest moon on a clear dark night
The spiritually blind given the gift of sight
A glimpse of heaven through the tunnel of light
And most of all a view of you
All these things remind me of how much I love you true